recently published an article with amazing marketing automation stats. We wanted to summarize a few of them here.
The gist: The best companies in the world are using marketing automation. And companies who use marketing automation are ...
4 Miracles Made Possible by Marketing Automation
Discussing work at social functions has always been a no-no for me. Until lately.
The details of my services have suddenly made me very popular at dinner parties. When I describe what companies can accomplish with marketing automation, people are ...
A Quickie: The *HUGE* Difference Between Marketing Automation and Spam
Okay. So we get this a lot, even from the most seasoned marketers.
We tell them one of our specialties is marketing automation and they say: "isn't that just SPAM?"
Our answer: "NO WAY!!!!"
We can certainly see how the term marketing automation ...
Your Marketing Automation Vocabulary Cheat Sheet
If you've been putting off Googling definitions of the many marketing automation terms that are currently all over the internet, this blog post is for you.
And if marketing automation is a new subject for you, the vocabulary list below is a great place ...
What is a CRM anyway? (And why do I need one?)
CRM. The term is everywhere lately. But we're finding that many of the businesses we meet with have heard of CRMs, but don't know what they are. We decided to take a minute to write a quick post on CRMs, because this is one buzzword that is actually ...
Glazed Jelly Donuts and Darn Good Marketing Reads
There's only one thing I enjoy more with my morning coffee than a glazed jelly donut. (I reserve powdered sugar for the weekend because sugar on my suit absolutely destroys my confidence in meetings.) The wonderful accompaniment I speak of is: a good ...
Ker-ching! 4 (of the many) Ways Marketing Automation Will Make You $$$
Today's marketing professional is performing the jobs of 10 people. It's no wonder so many are turning to marketing automation to handle the superabundance of tasks needed to run smooth campaigns.
According to IDC, spending on marketing automation is ...
3 Marketing Automation Infographics That Weren’t Horrible
I can't get enough infographics. I don't know what it is, but the mere sight of one makes my finger a bit twitchy. I have to click.
However, when it comes to marketing automation infographics, I tend to be disappointed. Marketing automation is my ...
7 Signs You Need to Automate Your Marketing — NOW!
How'd your week go?
We hope things are just peachy, but if you're like some of the marketing teams we met with this week, chances are you had more than your fair share of hair-pulling situations.
It is expected that the number of companies using ...
10 Tips to Improve Your Blog’s Lead Generation Power
Your business blog is a great tool to help you and your company build authority and make new relationships with potential customers. Below are 10 ways to improve your blog's ability to generate leads.
1. Include a page for newbies. Make sure your “New? ...